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  (6 reviews)
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Commercial / For Profit
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Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Haunted Trails, Theaters & Plays
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1 Award Received

1 Award Received

Welcome to shady rest. A home to the bizarre and unusual
As you wander through our lands you will be met by several creatures of the night. From our storyteller that welcomes you to fortune tellers and scientists gone mad. Then there are the creatures of the night. Cryptids and ghosts better left to the darkness.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Shady Rest Haunt
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Located at The Knot Hole Craft Shop (Located between Hancock and Cumberland, MD - 6 miles East of Flintstone) Take I-68 to Exit 62. Follow Rt. 144 West for 1/2 mile.

Recent Reviews

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  • Email Verified Had a fun night.

    My wife and I got to go alone. A night away from the kids! We had a great time. The actors were great and made this very fun. Good date night. Will be going again another weekend to take the kids.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2024

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  • Email Verified The Best Time Ever!

    I loved it! The special effects are great and the interactive way the actors give you a scare is awesome! Fog, projectors, lasers, robotics, special scenes were spectacular fun! I recommend it to anyone wanting a good scare for Halloween!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Great actors

    Some of the actors do the typical jump scare. But several of them really have their own thing going. One of them stops the group for scary stories. Another pulls people into the science lab and makes them a lab assistant. It is scary and entertaining Then they have this huge laser and fog water effect that was just beautiful to see. Till some horned beast jumped out at me. Can't wait to come back.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified The BEST Scare!!!

    The special effects were amazing. The scary characters were interactive and so cool. Lights, fog, monsters, robotic surprises... and the scenes with the talented actors is over the top! I want more of my family to go see this place. It's the best haunt to go to for Halloween activity spooky scares!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Creepy!

    I loved the beginning, it set the mood. And the creepy factor lingered through out. I loved the actors who stayed in character the whole time. My husband, and I kept switching who would be in the back based on how scared we got. The end was amazing! Worth the money and then some. I loved it!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified 2nd year haunt - ramping up quickly

    Having "scenes" that haunt actors get to interact with guests makes this a fun haunt. The actors themselves take a lot of pride in their areas and are constantly tweaking to make the most of their scenes. Lots of special effects that trick you to see things and hear things.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2023

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

Shady Rest Haunt
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