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The Henry Hotel - Ocean City MD Haunted Place

  • S. Baltimore Ave.
  • Ocean City, MD
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Dating back to 1895, this hotel was once a boarding house that was purchased by a family during the time of racial segregation. The hotel served as the first "coloured" hotel in town, as the owners advertised it, and it attracted many musicians during its time. The hotel is no longer in operation, but there have been a number of haunting reports in its past. A young man's apparition has been spotted in overalls, standing on the porch, some have reported hearing loud footsteps and a scolding woman's voice. Others have heard phantom jazz music coming from the building at night when no one was inside.
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  • Sleepless Night at the Henry Hotel

    In 1969 my fiance and her family booked a motel in Ocean City. I was arriving a few days later. The motel was booked the first night I was there so my father-in-law booked me a room nearby, in the Henry Hotel. I'm sensitive to things around me and have had a few paranormal experiences. My senses were on edge from the time I entered the room (don't remember the room number). Although I never saw or heard anything that might have been paranormal, I was extremely nervous and anxious the entire time I was there. I spent the entire night laying awake with a strong sense that I was being watched by someone or something. I'm thankful I only had to spend one night there.

    Posted 8/13/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,092
Last edit to this listing: 5/18/2017 (2868 days ago)

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