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Dead Mans Curve - Hagerstown MD Real Haunt

  • Old National Pike
  • Hagerstown, MD
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  (2 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Yes - Open To Public
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Stories say a doctor was killed here in an accident sometime in the middle of the 19th Century. A headless apparition has been spotted here, believed to be the doctor.
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  • Strange Happenings

    The historic white painted brick house at the curve has a storied past. It hosted both the Confederate and Union Armies during the Civil War, and during one of the skirmishes on the property at least 6 men were killed. One of the more well known ghost stories is of a headless man that was killed in the early 1800's when he was run over by a wagon, cutting off his head. He has been seen for more than 150 years roaming the area near the house. A ghost dog has been sighted and heard, furniture moves around the house, and even the apparition of a woman has been seen at times inside the home.

    Posted 11/8/17

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  • Definitely Haunted

    This curve also hosted a couple of Civil War skirmishes and has had 20+ fatalities from car accidents over the past 150 years. Apparently some of the accident police reports even record that the driver claimed to have seen someone in the road and swerved to miss hitting them. The old brick white house along the curve is known to be haunted as well. I heard that a lady purchased it a few years ago and after living in it for a month, moved out suddenly because she was afraid and ended up renting it out. Apparently her furniture kept moving around and she’d hear strange voices. My dad’s friend helped pack her stuff up because she wouldn’t even go back into the house. It makes sense since it’s so old and was a Civil War hospital. I’d love to make friends with the owners and check it out one night!

    Posted 11/1/17

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,252
Last edit to this listing: 5/18/2017 (2868 days ago)

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