Glenn Dale Hospital - Glenn Dale MD Real Haunted Places

- 5201 Glenn Dale Rd.
- Glenn Dale, MD
- Average Review
- (16 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Bladensburg Dueling Grounds7.9 miles away
- Surratt House Museum14.5 miles away
- Witch's Grave - Truxton Park16.4 miles away
- Rams Head Tavern17.0 miles away
- Reynolds Tavern17.0 miles away
- The Maryland Inn17.1 miles away
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Share Your ExperiencesCops
It was super fun, wear a mask please. Asbestos everywhere ofc. Cops ended up looking for me and my friend, could tell by the lights they were using. I ended up falling through the stairs trying to get away, do not get stuck in the basement like we did!!! The basement is boarded up, not exit besides up.. Besides that, we made it to the roof. There is an old garden up there, a tree somehow grew right through the walk way. Truly beautiful, full moon & warm night. Just be prepared to run, remember the way out! MARCH 2025 GROUP OF 2
Posted 3/17/25gledndale hospital women
my name is carter jacobs, It was one night me and my friend eli are 16 and my friend dom and max, dom is 14 and max is 19, elis sister, we drove her car to glendale and shortly after going to crownsville hospital, bel manor bridge, and goatmans bridge/ crybaby bridge all in maryland. i have been to glenn dale hospital 2 times now, the 2nd being on january 1st the night after new years. the first time we went we got there and it was very cold,we walk up with little no no information about the hospital, we look around and see a little hut to the left while walking up to the entrance road towards the little factory garage thing and around that right corner and a little to the left would be the main building, i have everything on video and pictures i just have to get my phone back from being grounded to upload them, or email me for them, but anyways everything is fine and instantly get a heart sinking feelings walking up to the building, this being the first time we went, we walk up to the main entrance and take pictures infront of the door, everything goes well when we first enter, there is alot of graffiti and satanic trolls i wouldnt worry about as in fake rituals, but as we are walking we decide to split up 2 and 2, me and eli, max and dom, it was my idea just for fun we both go different ways for the scary experience, me and eli turn down one hallway and immedietly get a terrible feeling, at this point max and dom are far away doin their own thing and me and eli hear a little tap and a few footsteps and we go silent and our hearts drop, and you all could or could not believe me, but me and eli started hearing light humming or singing for a few seconds and we pretty much shit ourselves an go back to max and dom quickly to bring them down the hallway because we couldnt go alone, i am pretty sure it is the right side of the building, we didnt hear much after that until the time we were leaving, after we checked out the roof we decided not to go to the basement because it felt terrible just looking down the steps, as we were leaving the first time around 2-3am we hear a noise behind us while we are walking away and iswear to god me and eli turn around see a women in a white dress or gown dancing and moving towards us, i have it on video email me for it, we immedietly ran to the car after i got my video of her. The 2nd time we came back was much colder and windier, we started a fire in the corner of a bathroom on of of the top floors for heat and honestly to smoke but before we got up there we immidietly heard steps above us, thats why we went upstairs and when we got up we heard taps and steps from down the hallway, after chilling for a while we went back down and on our way out we see the basement again and eli says his gut is telling him no and its a bad idea but i want to anyway and he says i can look really quick if i want to but he wouldnt, i walk to the bottom of the stairs, shine my flashlight through the door and its alot darker and i point the camera to the left and i hear and see the most visible women and you can feel the presence of her staring and the moment i saw her i said it was time to leave and we left out the side door as fast as we could, the side door was broken halfway at the bottom so we crawled through and ran. but this is a YN's glenndale hospital experience, be careful inside their, there is most likley something unhuman inside.
Posted 1/4/253 out of 3 found this review helpful
Nothing out the ordinary…. For me atleast
Went with a group of friends about 5 or 6 of us around halloween 2023. We entered through the morgue and that was an experience in itself, as we finished up with the l morgue we started heading deeper in got into a hallway. We saw a lot of great graffiti but about 30 steps into the hall one of the girls we had with us started feeling a bit weird and uneasy she even claimed to hear someone or something whisper her name in her ear. So we walked them back to their car. When we got outside we heard footsteps coming from all directions. (This was not an animal we saw the trees and brushes moving and not only that these were uniformed steps. They had a purpose.)After walking them back to their car we headed back inside but we were interrupted walking back through the woods by another group of 2 who claims they heard the stuff in the woods and thought it was us messing with them. They joined us and we explored more eventually making our way up to the rooftop where i was recording and almost stepped on an ouija board under my feet (on video). We didnt mess with it but was cool to see, we later saw cops and stuff and had to hideout and sneak out. Towards the wnd of the night we crossed a big field towards the childrens hospital and saw a strange figure walking in all black we all stopped and stared at him until he also stopped turned to us and flashed some light at us. He then continued into the field u til he blended in with the night. We left after that because we all had a bad feeling at this point. But lots of fun!
Posted 12/28/241 out of 1 found this review helpful
Few years ago as a teenager, my friends and I explored this place. We just explored abandoned places for fun and had no clue this place was known to be paranormal. We sat down behind one of the buildings in the grass, facing the forest. Building to our backs, and treeline about ten yards in front. We start hearing footsteps in front of us that got closer and closer, coming from the trees. The reason it wasn’t an animal was that these were uniform, slow, steady, consistent steps. Animals footsteps are more erratic and random. These steps got so close to the point we could see the grass moving underneath them. We peaced the fuck out and never looked back.
Posted 7/30/244 out of 4 found this review helpful
Does anyone believe that there is a goatman shooting at people?
Just curious if anyone believes that there's a man dressed up like a goatman devil shooting a gun at individuals ? Is that really true ?
Posted 3/21/243 out of 6 found this review helpful
Door slams.. spooky?
So me and a friend of mine have explored this place a few times. On of one of explorations we walked up the left side entrance to the children's hospital. When we got close to the door and tried to take a peak inside we heard a loud stick crack and we bolted. Before that though we noticed abandoned clothes, purses and shoes. Might be nothing but seemed weird. We then immediately drove over to Capper/McCarren Hall. Mind you, its not a far distance but we drove it, much faster then someone could walk over there. We entered Capper Hall from the left most entrance when you are facing the front of this building, with the children's hospital to your back. I took a look around in one of what I would assume to be a patient room. I walked out, shinned my light down the hall and a door SLAMMED. It was dead still out, no way it was wind. Maybe not paranormal but still sketch as shit. Be careful here, there is security in the evenings but if you go and speak to the cop there, most likely he will give you permission to take a look around the outside. I do not recommend going inside the bigger building because of structural decay and asbestos. Overall though, a very cool place to look at from a far :))
Posted 10/25/234 out of 4 found this review helpful
Carry weapons…
My group of friends and I love going here on weekends to just waste time. In total, we have been to Glenn Dale Hospital roughly 30+ times in 2023. Majority of the time our experiences was amazing. Of course we heard the typical unexplained footsteps and knocking, but the last few times we have went we all left shaken. Its not the ghost you need to worry about here, its the fellow explorers… Last night, my husband and i went with 4 other friends. We explored some of the children’s hospital but we got bored because we have explored it sooo many times. so we decided to go to the Adult hospital. Walking up to the hospital we caught a glimpse of a room lighting up, like it was from a flash of a camera. we stood there waiting for another flash but nothing happened so we carried on walking to the back of the building. we noticed a little building off to the left of the hospital, we found the entrance to it and as soon as we walked in bats spooked us. but we explored the basement of that area and our friends found the stairs and continued up them while my husband, his friend and i walked outside because i didnt have a good feeling. While standing out there we heard our friends in the building talking and they even tried to scare us by throwing pop its out the window at us but we knew it was them and didn’t acknowledge it. Soon after we saw a flashlight in the back of the building. it wasnt our friends. we were using iphone flashlights, and so we knew someone else was there with us. Our friends got to the third floor of that building and one stuck her head out the window and was shot at. The three of us that was outside booked it to the side of the security trailer about 100 yards from the hospital. We called and called our friends they didnt answer so we were quick to assume the worst. I called the cops and soon after we found our friends and went to our cars. The gunshot was on our minds so much that it completely made us forget what happened moments before we even walked into that building. We were walking up to the building and was about 30 ft from it. My friends all heard a female scream. It sounded like a female. the cops called me and i explained the building in detail to them and i didnt remember the scream until the cop asked me if there was any. another experience that we have had is, 4 of us went Cinco De Mayo. We knew others were going to be there but we have met up with random groups many times before and it wasnt nothing to worry about. well this group saw us and chased us to the woods near the boiler house. We dropped to the wood line and prayed to not be found. The other group was taunting us trying to get us to come out. We dont know why and to be honest, we didnt want to figure out. but overall, the hospital is a great experience when other malicious people arent there. no matter what, bring a weapon. we got extremely lucky last night…
Posted 6/25/2310 out of 10 found this review helpful
Went up here one time by myself, brought a old Polaroid and other cameras , spoke with actually a local who pulled over , she was woman soon expecting and congratulated her, had very cool conversation about the place and she carried on, I walked around most the buildings and eventually got the courage to go in one for a little, so when I did , it was getting dark and light was very little, I wanted to snap a couple videos so when I started my snapchat video, my light on my phone comes on I walked in, walked up the stairs and I totally forgot that once you start recording with Snapchat and the video ends you’re light turns off .. so I was up stairs in the pitch black soon as my video ended and for some reason .. soon as it ended, I heard hissing, tons of footsteps in all directions like a group was playing ring around the Rosie, and definitely voices I can’t explain because I was the only one in this building.. I bolted down stairs and honestly got out quickly.. but after finally waiting for my Polaroid pics to show up, a lot of them had tons of orbs, one room especially I was uneasy with looks like there’s a little kid starring me down with glowing eyes… it’s a amazing place for anyone interested in spirits or want to explore the unknown, I do suggest going with someone rather alone.. but definitely a experience I won’t forget, very historic and beautiful place, no problems with security honestly as I respected the buildings, wouldn’t disturb grounds or cause destruction ever .. it’s a historic beauty ??
Posted 6/25/227 out of 7 found this review helpful
Need to go back
I went with a big group of friends in high school late at night. As we made it up the drive we go to the main building which had a guy crawling out of the broken front door. We ran. We decided to go back the following weekend and actually went in the same building and up to the 2nd floor. We started walking left down the hallway when we heard a faint laugh/cry coming from the end of the hallway. Our flashlights didn’t reach that far to see what it was so we started walking closer. I don’t know if someone in the group heard something or what but someone took off and everyone followed. We went back a few weeks later cause we’re stupid and here’s where I need y’all’s help. We went in the main door hooked a right and went to the end of the hall. On the right side is a little door with a spiral wooden staircase that goes down about 6 stories. We followed it to impress the girls we were with. Once you reach the bottom there is a long dark hallway. If you follow it about 100 yards there are 2 doors on the left hand wall (only doors I seen and remember this is deep underground. Me and my buddy went in and it was this big cement tunnel that had to be about 2 stories high with 2 big cement pillars. Now this is deep underground with no lights but our flashlight. Weirdly idk if it’s science or what but the tunnel before the pillars were weirdly illuminated that you could see and behind the pilliars was a solid wall of black that our flashlights wouldn’t even penetrate. We got this gut wrenching feeling and ran. I wish we stayed and got a picture or something because the image is seared in my head and I have dreams about it all the time that I should have gone in further. Now I enjoy life so I’m not going back but if anyone has any pictures videos or live walkthroughs (even though it’s trespassing) I would love to be able to see what I saw that day again.
Posted 10/29/217 out of 7 found this review helpful
Not much but still fun
Me and a group of friends went for 4th of July 2021 and all explored most of the buildings since there seemed to be no cops or security, definitely creeping and had me terrified the whole time, walking through everybody kept hearing hanging from upstairs and having small things fall on them from the ceiling in one of the main buildings, we ended up using a spirit box to communicate and got a lot of activity and multiple spirits talking, after leaving the main building me and one friend started hearing like faint yells coming from inside the building even though we went through the whole thing and nobody was in there besides us. All around had a great time and wish more paranormal stuff happened
Posted 7/5/215 out of 5 found this review helpful
Fun little adventure
4 of us went back in 2016. I was the only female and the guys were ex military. First was the late night visit. We all felt a presence, heard voices, and I walked out with what looked like a bite mark on my arm. We had ventured down in the basement and something spooked the guys and all took off running up stairs and out of the building. Leaving me alone. I kept venturing on my own. They freaked out and told me to get out of there. I felt sad and evil emotions wash over me after we left that night. We went back during the day and checked out the other buildings. Really cool place to venture but would insist doing it during the day for sure. We were in the last building when someone spotted a cop. We snuck out a side door a bolted for the car. Didnt get caught though
Posted 5/5/215 out of 5 found this review helpful
It's fun, but be careful.
Me and my mom went there in the summer, as soon as we got out of the car we felt the presence of spirits. We went inside some of the buildings and there were smells of rotting flesh. My phone started acting up as well, it messed with my phone battery. We communicated with some of the ghosts and they responded. I definitely would not come here if you have bad anxiety or gets scared easily. Also the ghosts were attracted to me the whole time we were there.
Posted 12/23/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
Almost got arrested there
My mom and I went and the cops showed up, it's really cool but it's not worth almost being arrested.
Posted 11/25/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
Fun but freaky
Three of us went. I kept hearing voices say my name and heard some weird banging and what sounded like running footsteps around us. I ended up going downstairs with the other person in our group while my friend stayed upstairs. There were cold spots and weird drafts/breezes, and they got worse as we went downstairs, while the building as a whole was the same temperature all throughout. My friend was on a phone call with me and our companion (on my phone) and suddenly the call disconnected. She thought I had hung up on her, and I thought that she had hung up on me. After this, weird things kept happening to my phone. My ring tone played with no one calling, my music kept playing at full volume when I had every app shut off to save battery, my phone tried to connect to unknown devices for Bluetooth or NFC transfer, and kept shutting itself off/restarting on its own. It's a fun experience, but is definitely better for those who don't have anxiety or get easily spooked.
Posted 6/15/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
It was fun but beware
First of all, be warned, it says open to the public but there’s a few no trespassing signs and stuff. It was pretty cool, my friend heard a weird voice whisper her name at some point, and there was a bunch of weird noises. When we were inside the building I started to feel trapped and really claustrophobic. I tried not to say anything cause i knew my friend would probably think I was just being a big baby. Soon my 2 other companions went downstairs and found this theatre thing, I stayed up because I was filled with a ton of anxiety. At first I thought I was just being a wimp, but It was different then just being scared. I started to not be able to catch my breath and I wanted to cry and I was just really really anxious. Afterward I still felt anxious. It was a lot of fun, but I still feel pretty uneasy. My friends phone started acting up too, randomly playing music and trying to connect to unknown devices
Posted 8/18/196 out of 6 found this review helpful
Don’t go near
Not just haunted. You shouldn’t go near. Any sensitive person can be possessed, suffer hallucinations, have nightmares, etc. This is the real paranormal shit. Anyone who does go there should be cleansed afterwards.
Posted 11/11/1816 out of 18 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 5/18/2017 (2871 days ago)