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The Maryland Inn - Annapolis MD Haunted Place

  • 16 Church Circle
  • Annapolis, MD
  • (410) 263-2641
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Dating back to the 1770s, this hotel is the oldest continuously operated hotel in the United States. Both staff and visitors of the hotel have reported paranormal activity, including disembodied footsteps, ghostly voices, scents of perfume, cold spots, and a number of apparitions. One is that of a woman wearing a black dress who fell to her death here down a flight of stairs, another is a bride, a sea captain and a Civil War soldier.
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  • Followed in hallway

    Stayed on 4th floor mid week in March. The hotel was pretty much empty. Never saw or heard another guest on our floor during our stay. One afternoon I was returning from a walk . As I got out of the elevator returning to my room I heard steps following me. I turned expecting to greet another guest but there was no one there. I continued walking and again heard the floor creaking well behind me.

    Posted 3/11/20

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  • Closet light

    My husband and I stayed at this hotel not knowing of any haunting. During our first night, I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and noticed what looked like a light on in the closet. We had put our suitcases in there for storage because the room was small and hadn’t completely closed the door. I knew we hadn’t turned a light on before going to bed so was creeped out by it and like a child, simply pulled the covers over my head and moved closer to my husband and fell back to sleep. I told my husband in the morning and we inspected the closet. No light at all in the closet nor any cracks where it might have shined through from another room. Only later did we hear of it being haunted.

    Posted 10/20/18

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  • MD.Inn Shananigans

    My husband and I had a lovely suite here for our anniversary a few years ago. It was a huge suite. The tv kept turning on in the middle of the night. My husband would get up and turn it off and a few hours later it was back on. He doesn’t believe in ghosts but was creeped out that weekend. He literally had goosebumps

    Posted 2/6/18

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Contact Phone #: (410) 263-2641

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 6,327
Last edit to this listing: 5/18/2017 (2868 days ago)

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