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Lake Linganore - Real New Market Haunt

  • Boyers Mill Rd.
  • New Market, MD
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  (5 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways, Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This lake is said to be haunted by orbs and unexplained sounds that come from the woods surrounding the lake. Rumors say a child drowns once a year here, and that bubbles rise to the surface out of nowhere.
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  • I saw a man by the water who wasn't there at first...

    This evening, around 7:15ish, I ventured down to the lake, right at the dam. I was taking pictures and recording videos for my blog. So, I took about seven pictures and recorded two videos. I didn't see anything that time that would classify as being unusual. I left the lake around 8 pm and then stopped at a gas station before entering the highway. Before driving off, I wanted to look at the pictures again. In one of the pictures, I saw a person close to the dam at the edge of the water bank. He appeared like he (kind of look like a man) was throwing something into the water. When I took the picture the first time, I didn't see anyone near the water. I looked at other photos that I took right after the one in question, and I did not see the man at all. I also looked at the video and again saw no man.

    Posted 9/12/21

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  • Haunted? What?

    Not a low review for the place itself; the trails are nice and I them all all the time. I'm just really not so sure if this is a place for someone to look for a paranormal experience. I've lived here for years, near the largest lake, and I've never even heard discussion of any hauntings, much less witnessed any. We do have a fair share of tragedies, but it's due to people jumping off the esplanade (which isn't even allowed), as there are a lot of large branches and rocks and stuff under the water that close to the shore that people hit their heads on when jumping in or getting caught on/under a large branch. And one time someone swam far out with a friend and got dragged down by an underwater current when he dived caused by the Linganore dam. The woods aren't menacing or ceeepy in my opinion- again, great trails for hiking or strolling. The bubbles too are just caused by wildlife in the water. Anyhow, I truly don't think this place is at all haunted.

    Posted 2/25/21

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  • So so

    Lake Linganore has had its fair share of tragedies and can def be creepy. The bubbles often come from fish or turtles tho

    Posted 8/13/18

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  • LOL

    Sure Lake Linganore is haunted, but it's mostly haunted near the Indian Caves, not the lake. The average amount of children that drown is the same as it is in any other lake without a lifeguard. Bubbles are from the lake actually having creatures living in it (fish, turtles, etc) all of which make bubbles. Also, weird noises from the woods? Sounds carry VERY easily here and the lake is surrounded by homes and wildlife like foxes (that make noises like a screaming woman). Honestly, nothing that weird happens here.

    Posted 10/11/17

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  • Bubbles

    I love LL but the reason bubbles go up isn't because of drowning kids, it's because of fish. Also if kids do drowned once a year don't you think they would of either put life guards there or closed the lake for swimming?

    Posted 10/6/17

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Last edit to this listing: 5/18/2017 (2844 days ago)

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